Today my parents took me out to lunch for my birthday. We went to my Dad`s favorite restaurant. He is friends with all the employees, its just a small restaurant. They have the best Mexican food ever. Anyways we get seated and my Dad went to talk to the cook and tell him what he wanted to eat. The cook makes things that are not on the menu for my Dad. While he is talking to the cook one of the waitresses is talking to my Mom and me. My Mom tells her it is my birthday. She asked me how old I was. I know that I look younger than I am and I thought that it would be fun to see how old people think I am. So I asked her how old she thought I was. She thought about it for a minute. She finally looked at me and said...16. I had to laugh at her. WOW I knew that I looked young but that young... I said nope. She said, 17. When I told her I was a lot older than that her eyes went wide. So she said 20 thinking that I was really 16. I finally told her I was 28 she didn't believe me.
My Mom and I got a real kick out of it. She was so funny. She started calling me little girl. When I told her I have 4 children she was amazed. She has seen my oldest in the restaurant with my parents before so when my Mom told her that was my oldest all she said was wow. She sure gave me a good laugh.
Last night at 9:02pm Mat called me to tell me happy eastern time zone, (he is back east right now), birthday. It was so sweet. It made me feel so good to have him think of something like that. Its the little things that really make the difference.
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