The other day Jordin had been in the bathroom for a while so I went to check on him. As I open the door I saw Jor standing there with hair by his feet. A few days prior I had cleared off the cupboard above the toilet and Mat`s beard trimmer was up there. I was not thinking when I put it in the drawer where Jor could reach it. Jor had grabbed it and and started at his forehead and just went back from there. It almost looked like a reverse mohawk. The beard trimmer was on its shortest setting. When I saw him standing there I had to turn away so he wouldn't see me laughing. It really was funny. Its just hair it`ll grow back. Now if that had been my little girl it wouldn't have been so funny.
Jor`s hair is so blond and fine that if his hair is cut too short it looks like he is bald. I finally broke down tonight and cut his hair. I couldn't let him go to church like that. I cut his hair really short but you can STILL see where he cut it. Sigh. Its not wonder I have so much gray hair.
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