Ok so I am a total and complete coupon nerd!!! I am ok with that though. I have to share my experience I had today. I have been using coupons for a month or 2 now. I have had some GREAT deals. .50 cents for brand name cereal that was normally $4.50. Not too shabby. I was thrilled. I have never gotten anything for free like you hear all the time though.
So today was the last day of Safeway's add and they had a sale, buy 10 or more of certain items and get them for $1 each. 1 of the items was the toothpaste I use...Aquafresh. I thought for $10 I can get a year supply of toothpaste. Not too shabby. After I picked out the toothpaste I thought I would just walk around and see if there was anything else I wanted while I was there. I remembered that I had coupons for toilet paper. So I went to look at that. Sure enough that was. And not only was it on sale it was part of the buy 10 items get them for $1 each sale but I also had a coupon. I had 3 coupons for .50 cents off. So I was going to get the toilet paper (4 roll pack) for .50 cents each. Awesome I was thinking. Then it hit m

For the 3 packs of toilet paper and the 7 tubes of toothpaste I spent $7.79. Now THAT is great deal!!! That is what you call provident living!!!
Couponing is something that I will be talking about in my food storage group. I have shaved $40 off my weekly grocery budget. I am still learning how to use coupons and getting the "art" of it down. I hope to cut more off in the weeks to come.
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