Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I`m really motivated right now...

Ok so I am really motivated right now. I have been for the last few months now. I am so excited to get my year supply of food storage. Just in the last few weeks I purchased a shelf reliance food rotation system. I love it, it is the best thing ever. I will post pictures of it later when I have batteries for my camera.

I have been doing a lot of searching on the internet on food storage and recipes to use my food storage with. I have found a lot of great stuff. I have decided to start using my blog as a place to keep my research and to share the information I have found. I will also share recipes that my family enjoys. One thing I have I learned is to not to mention you are making something different. I made some REALLY good bread and I told my 11 yr old that I used powdered milk in it. She, after eating it and liking it, tells me that it did taste different from other times I had eaten it. Ok so I have learned my lesson.

Along with sharing my research and recipes I will also post links to site I think are wonderful.

Getting your year supply doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming. I found a wonderful website called food storage made easy. This website breaks it down for you. It helps you to get a 3 month supply. When you go to their website click on the tutorial link. It will tell you more about their site and what it is all about. I like it that they break it down to what they call baby steps. Its wonderful. Hopefully you love it as much as I do.

From food storage made easy`s website I found another website that helps you to use your food storage in a way that your family wont know. They site is called every day food storage. She had some great idea and recipes. I have tried a couple of them. I will post the recipes that I liked. She has videos showing her making things. Yet again just another great website.

I am fairly new to blogging so I will work on finding a way to make a tab or something will all my links and recipes so they are easy to find.

My kids are calling me and I also want to go make some cookies with beans. I will let you know how they turn out.

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