I normally don`t post recipes on here until I have actually tasted them but not this time. I was told by a friend that she had a GREAT recipe for homemade wheat thins. I was also told by someone else that these were wonderful. I finally got the recipe today and am baking them right now. As soon as I put the dough in the over it put off a wonderful smell. My house smells so good right now. They smell so good I thought I would just post the recipe now. I am also making a white chicken chili or something like that tonight for dinner. After we eat this evening if it is good I will post that recipe as well.
Wheat Thins Crackers
1 3/4 c. wheat flour
1 3/4 c. white flour
Mix together in a big bowl
In a blender blend:
1/3 c. oil
3/4 tsp. salt
1 c. water
Blend this for ATLEAST 1 minute!! This needs to be blended until the oil and water are combined really well.
Pour the water/oil in the same bowl as the flour and kneed until it is smooth.
You will need 2 cookie sheets to bake these. These don`t need to be greased.
Cut dough into 2 pieces. 1 piece for each cookie sheet.
Roll the dough out until it reaches the edges of the sheet. You want the dough VERY thin. About 1/8". I found it a little easier to use my hands/fingers.
When you are done rolling the dough out take a knife or something and SCORE the dough, NOT cut it, into the size of crackers you want. Then take a fork and poke each cracker so they don`t bubble up.
Season the dough with some kind of salt. Onion, garlic, regular salt what ever you like, use it!!
Bake 350 deg for 30-35 minutes until they are crispy.
My crackers actually just came out of the oven. I did learn a few things about making them. make sure they are thin enough!!! Some of mine were not thin enough and they were not very good. Also don't bake them on the bottom rack. They WILL burn and are not very tasty. I did not put enough salt on mine so next time I will add more. But over all they are pretty good.
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