I am always trying to find ways to save money. But then who isn't these days. I have heard for a while now about people making their own laundry soap. They have said that this soap gets their clothes cleaner than with store bought soap. It is also really good for people with allergies to perfumes. This has no perfume. I`ve been wanting to try it but just haven't gotten around to it. I finally decided that I am going to do it. I got the recipe yesterday and I am going to buy the ingredients on Friday. Well maybe today I need to go buy some milk. I guess we will have to see what I feel like doing. Ok so here is the recipe. I was told you can buy all the ingredients at WINCO.
1/3 bar Fels Naptha soap (has a strong smell may want to keep in garage away from things)
1/2 c. borax powder
1/2 c. arm & hammer washing soda
Grate (with your grater) 1/3 of the bar of Fels Naptha soap into a sauce pan.
Add 6 c. water.
Heat until the soap melts.
Add soda and borax.
Stir until dissolved
You need either a 5 or 7 gal bucket (I`ll give more info at the end)
Pour 4 c. hot tap water in the bucket
Add your soap mixture to the bucket and stir
Add 22c. hot tap water and stir to combined.
Let this cool and set up for 24 hours.
This will have the consistency of...snot when it is done. It also has the color of it as well. That is what I am told.
This takes 20-30 minutes to make.
Use about 1 cup for each load. This is OK to use on front loaders.
Ok the lady I got recipe from said that she triples the batch that way she only has to grate the soap 1 time rather than having to try to grate 1/2 of the bar. When she does a triple batch she uses a 7 gal bucket to put it in. It almost fills the bucket when she is done. She also uses a canning pot so it holds it all.
For all the ingredients it costs around $8. The only thing you have to buy every time is the Fels Naptha soap. Everything else you will be able to use for several batches.
To get a year supply of this soap wont cost a whole lot. Even to store it made wont take up as much room as all those bottles of store bought stuff. Or if you just have the ingredients on hand and make it as you need it, your talking about almost no space at all. Have fun with this and let me know what you think. I`ll re post in a few days after I have made mine and have used it.
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