After using coupons for so long now I don't know how I ever got by with out them!! I went to Target yesterday and got a killer deal!! I bought 12, 3 packs of Crystal light. .99 cents each. I also bought 8 Johnson Buddies soaps. .97 cents each. Finally I bought a 4 pack of fruit chillers. I believe thats what they are called. $2.04 regular. Now to my coupons. I had (I don`t remember the exact amounts of each coupon) some $2 off 2 packages of crystal light and I had some $1 off 1 package. I had enough coupons to get 12 packages total for FREE!!! I had 2 coupons for the buddies soap that were $3 off 3 and I had 2 coupons that were $1 off 1 soap. After the coupons they were FREE!!! I`m on a pretty good roll so far hu!! The fruit chillers were $2.04 each and I had a coupon for $1 off. So they were $1.04.
I then went to WINCO and bought 2 boxes of ritz crackers and 2 boxes of wheat thins. I had 2 coupon for FREE wheat thins when I bought ritz. So I bought the ritz of course with a coupons for those. I had 2 $2 off coupons so that brought the price down from $2.25 or so to $1.25!! For all the crackers I paid $2.50!!! For everything you see in the pic I paid $3.29!!
I just found some more crystal light coupons, enough to get 6 more 3 packs for FREE!!
Want to know my savings for the day?? If I had paid full price for everything I would have spent $30.08. Remember I only paid $3.29 for all this. That is about a 90% savings!!!! Pretty impressive!!