Thursday, March 12, 2009

Powdered milk conversion chart

I dont have much time tonight to post but I just wanted to give you a link for a powdered milk conversion chart thanks to I hate it when I am making something and want to use powdered milk instead of regular milk. I never know how much water/powdered milk to use. Then it takes me so long to figure it out that I wonder why I waisted the time instead of putting that 1/4c. of milk in. This chart is wonderful. It tells you how much water and powdered milk to use for your most common used measurments. It also tells you how to make your own sweetened condensed milk, evaporate milk and buttermilk. Its wonderful. Here is the link to her website so you can print the conversion chart and keep it on your fridge. My kids are asking me to come outside so I need to get off here.


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